Thursday, October 31, 2013


Today, on my walk, I was contemplating my place in God's kingdom. What part do I play?  Am I a lone wolf, or am I part of a team?

Many times, I feel that I'm out there on my own, with little support.  I make my own decisions, without consulting anyone. I get overwhelmed by all the pain and suffering in the world, all the sin, self-service, inequities, and injustice.

I've never been in the military, but I understand that war is not waged by one soldier.  Each soldier is part of a platoon, and is under the direction of their commander. They may not understand the reasons behind the commands given to them, but they follow them.

I am part of God's army, a foot soldier.  It's not all about me, my comfort, or even my understanding of why life is the way that it is.  It really is about being used by God to achieve His purpose.  Yes, He loves me individually and I have a personal relationship with Him.  But, this world was not created just for me.  God created a world and a people with whom to have a personal relationship.  To reach this world, He has called an army of foot soldiers to achieve His purpose.

Praise God - I am part of His army!  I don't have to create the plan, or even completely understand it.  I just have to be willing to be used for His purpose.

Joel 2:11a "The Lord thunders at the head of His army; His forces are beyond number, and mighty is the army that obeys His command."

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